Make Time for Self-Care

2 min read Hi Everyone, Today I’m taking the opportunity to write about one of my all-time greatest fails in self-care: waiting until it’s convenient to take care of myself!  So, why is it so hard to make time for self-care, vacations, or other activities that help recharge our batteries?  For me, I…

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Coping With Ambiguity

2 min read Hi Everyone, One of the things that has always been a struggle for me (even before the pandemic) was coping with ambiguity.  Coping with ambiguity means being able to cope with the unknown.  For me, it is also about all of the “what ifs,” anxiety, worries, and fears that come…

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2 min read Hi Everyone, I’m writing today’s wellness post on non-violent communication (NVC).  Given the heightened stress and tension we have been experiencing, learning about nonviolent communication may help us work to treat our friends, family, and others in our lives with increased compassion.  However, I want to be clear that I…

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2 min read Hi Everyone, For today’s wellness email, I want to write about maintaining work-life balance (or school-life balance).  Below are some tips that I have found to be extremely helpful in keeping myself balanced lately: 1.     Mindfully exercise your “no.”  Saying “yes” is a great thing, but doing it…

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2 min read Hi Everyone, I’ve been thinking about the difference between self-care that feels like a chore, and self-care that is actually restorative.  Although we are often taught that self-care an antidote for stress, it can actually compound the problem.  I have found that there are 4 key issues that can make…

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2 min read Hi Everyone, One of the most powerful things we can do for ourselves and others is validation.  Validation is the acknowledging of a person’s feelings, beliefs, or behaviors as valid, real, and legitimate.  We all know what it feels like to be validated – and, to be invalidated, but most…

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Coping Ahead

2 min read Hi Everyone, One of the things we all struggle with from time to time are worries about the future.  This can look differently depending on what matters most to you, but some of the things I worry about are things like, “will I ever feel okay with my body?” or…

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Radical Acceptance

2 min read Hi Everyone, This week I want to share one of my all-time favorite skills:  radical acceptance.  As we all know, pain is part of life – there is no such thing as a pain-free existence.  However, suffering is optional.  We suffer when we have pain plus nonacceptance of reality.  This…

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Dialectical Thinking

< 1 minute Hi Everyone!   I’ve been thinking a lot about dialectical thinking, which is the ability to acknowledge and tolerate that conflicting truths often co-exist.  For example, I am profoundly lucky to have a job that can be done from home, and, I am finding myself struggling emotionally at times.  I am…

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